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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How the care of your hair While you are on the weekdays? - Tips and tricks

Below you will find good information in what manner the care of your hair in the summer:
The sea.Full of water of the seas and the salt and minerals, and the skin, than the most useful of our face, very harmful to the hair. Makes it the hair of the sea of grave harm for, behold, the hair of salt crystals begin to RISE ON END scales.  

 Salt draws moisture out of the drying his hair, the hair renders fragile, parts of it. To avoid a guard from the sun the place of medicaments lines with streaming hair. Broadly, it be moved very very, as it will be enough to cover Matt. Cover rights and the olive tree and with her hairs not scales, the shining hair of getting inside the salt. There are many perfumes, such protection and provide the health of the hair of flashes a fiercer glow.
In the evening to do my swimming, OF PROCEDURE Moisturizing with streaming hair. There shall be a principal to the dry ground with streaming hair. Mix the protection of your product with streaming hair to conceal his condition the day of dry hair belongs to, therefore, as the rain hat. Wait for 2-3 minutes to shampoo your hair, therefore, on the other hand, are mixed with wet hair. Stay for 5-10 minutes. You will be pleased the effect.
Pool.Water in the waters about it does not contain the inside of the sale at worse - chlorine. While in chlorinated water, no vacation to draw back a colorist's your labor. Of the whiteness will be green maroon hair - reddish-with wine. The hair of chlorine to protect the use of a hair of the same protection from the sun to the products, be sure that the product has anti-chlorine note him. You can also use the rubber hat to protect the hair of chlorine.  
 When you are cause such indelible back the hair of lakes of warm water with the sun shampoo from hair product line. These are contained anti-chlorine shampoos and components, and wash away the sand and the salt of the good. If the use of yellow hair in simple fact greenish tip - to apply a mixture of cleansing the face of the CHINA CLAY with the person (the clay), and wash: he took away the 15 minutes therefore there is a wide sense Conditioner his hair. There shall be a yellow the same as your new.
Tap water.Flee away, the water in the taps of Africa, Asia and the European Union is far from the Standarts. In particular, the water is bad in the Turkey, India and Egypt. Tap water has a lot of difficult of chalk, and not properly cleaned. But very dangerous not only to drink in the mouth of the beat it cleanses the teeth. Certainly, no one will grant its water, but the laziness of treats to buy water and / or by the local shops the same of the hotel restaurants we use, and strike the face of spots rinsing the teeth of his long hair.
Sun. Fade hair, it is common knowledge in the sun. It happens because it is broken ultraviolet lipid and protein damages the joints and articulations very hairs of pigments. Go not out into without a hat. There shall be a better as well have employed the sun protection product also given life to the hair of every one who before to swim. From the garrison of the sun to protect hair products not only chlorine but also the sun of you.
A drought.Dry the face of the grows, indeed, of the air by evaporation from the hair of the body. Rebus worse and worse for the sake of the conditions of the night, which I am now not for the sake of not say that the crazy heat.  
 Hair dryers dare a poor diet (especially alcohol and) salt and chlorine the help of the sun or not. All that observe the countenance as ends it is opaque white, lifeless hair, change color, and break the split. There is no most of all to protect the ends of the hair of creams do not ought to be washed off. These products we will smooth the hair of scales, by that of water getting inside DRENCH with streaming hair.  

 It is better to produce more such persons to apply hours in the day of the Sun, the following foam of the screen, since that light the ends of creams do not contain the plume, the sun of the screen. Special products for hair to protect the hair of the night shall it profit a night. Products WET night, to repair the hair of a smooth, give hair a healthy shine bright look. If the color, baldness, and desire to keep the, the hair color much more having to worry about, do not neglect the quality of the hair of the defense of products.
Humidity.If your vacation in the land of wet, your hair will of the country to suffer the loss of the boys to roll journal. What shall I do? Not to avoid. First - Take with you the products for hair, their contents are polymerorum Chis and do more elastic and thick. Second - to learn the plain hairdos to do the basic summer is departing. As the hair of the face of get a back of the head you fix a few things you can also to play with her face to a very fine hair around the hairpin fasteneth it. 

Try to torment the hair of earlets In setting the capture them on the other hand hairpins. If the part of the last with his long hair to do and to make cakes to the humble. In one or two with fresh flowers in your hair Fix time - no one I ever know you gave up TRIM. Find more simple styles with curly hair, the hair of my site-Do what is discreditable.
Calor.Loosing the hair of 30 degrees of heat to impose on the same painted wool on your neck. To sense the heat of a good learn to do in the summer as a simple pony tail and turns the hairdos Cunn. Find more simple hairdos styles the hair of my site are in this category. Before departing to the Hair Salon and ask a stylist to do something to punish the perpetrator fantasy interesting and less easy. NEAT said these words to the possible as four days will also be utterly comfortable carrying. 

 And these should not forget the wave of the sun. After you will have to declare it, a local Hair Salon to proceed, and test to be able offer you. But it is not coloring, cuts, and - you do not want the danger of their beauty.
Food.SCREENING sebaceous excretions food to grow, that the messengers of the face of the ill, the Gospel according to hair for hair only on the basis dries up. Be careful seeks food place that, if poison for Forage can lead to the to the detriment of her hair uncombed. As heaven is for the sun bathing, often changes the swimming. If perhaps you are to act leaves you get Home - Vitamin to eat and to the use of the hair of the repairing the products.  
If you do not, according to all the word in the recommendation of the upper station, then you will find between the one bag you of your clothes, painted a bag full of. I counsel the hands of the girls to come, that he rent the bottles. You can, even if produced the work of a special kind of little bottles' s journey.

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